Race is arguably the biggest issue in this election, and it’s one that nobody’s talking about.
Except maybe racist democrat activists who are talking
race war if they don't get their way. Or racist democrat activists fixated on "
white privilege."
Or racist democrat activists who wonder if Obama is
black enough?
Or racist democrat activists who
point out he's not?
The Lightworker himself, who makes sure
the talking points are crystal clear?
Or maybe
your own network?
What the hell are you talking about,
Jack Cafferty? Everybody's been talking about it, except maybe the other side of the aisle. You racist democrat activist "
Authorized Journalists" have had to reach so hard to find examples, you're reduced to
inventing conspiracy theories and highlighting
code words invented by racist democrat activist politicians.
We get the message: If you don't vote for
Obama, you're a racist. Like it's impossible to oppose him for any other reason.
And let's not even talk about the
90% support he gets from...like I said, let's not talk about that, because it's obviously all issue oriented, and to do so would be "offensive" and "naive."
Here's the thing: If Obama loses, I believe race
will be the deciding factor. But here's the other thing--it won't be for the reasons all the racist democrat activists will be pointing fingers and raging over. It will be because a substantial enough margin of voters from their own party--possibly
a third of white democrats--won't vote for a black guy.