Saturday, October 29, 2016

Beer Blast

Beer drinkers call for boycott after owner reportedly backs Trump [More]*
Not the ones who are actually customers. I expect to see sales go up now, especially noting the truism that with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.

This has actually been a preferred brand for years now, and here's the proof  -- something none of the frothing Hillbots saw fit to offer. Based on this, it will continue to be.

* Note-- this is another one of those Fox News links that deny access because they apparently don't want the traffic enough to fix the issue with Blogspot. You can paste the url in your browser and it ought to work that way.

‘Enforce Existing Gun Laws’ Last Thing Rights Advocates Should Call For

Demanding that government “enforce existing gun laws” is more than a bit like calling on King George to enforce existing Intolerable Acts. We’ll get no points from the gun-grabbers for being “reasonable.” We need to grok that we’re up against agents of tyranny who will stop at nothing, who will greedily gobble up whatever we cede to them, and who will then turn around and still accuse us of being uncompromising extremists. [More]
Repeal existing gun laws.

The World of Tomorrow

As opposed to "The Jetsons," which is what could have been... [Watch]

Thank a Democrat and a cheap labor Republican today!

[Via Florida Guy]   

Tolerant Hillary Supporters

You know, for women, for the poor, for people of color... [Watch]

For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.

UPDATE: Video taken down. Reposted and story here.