Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Hart-Rudman Militia

I received an email request from a fellow activist seeking to pin down the origins of the Department of Homeland Security. One of the places I suggested looking was the Hart-Rudman Commission (formally, the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century), a bi-partisan 14-member panel established by Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich in 1998.

I was vaguely aware of the commission, but like most Americans, oblivious to many of the specifics. It's not like our "official media" keep us informed of threats to our right to have arms. So the following was, I confess, new for me:

The Phase II Report on a U.S. National Security Strategy for the 21st Century
The United States Commission on National Security/21st Century
April 15, 2000
America must also enhance the civil (that is, non-military) aspects of homeland security. These functions must be adequately funded and organized along appropriate lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability. The National Guard, successor to the militia, and acknowledged in the Second Amendment as the historic defender of the Republic, must be trained and equipped to assume, among its other responsibilities, a significant role in defending the homeland in the 21st century.

You got that nice bit of deception formulated by 7 Democrats and 7 Republicans, right?

It is with chilling irony that I see later on the page they quote Isabella from Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure":
O! it is excellent
To have a giant`s strength; but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.

Bush Hails Taiwan As Model of Freedom

Of course he does.

Instead of a Bill of Rights, the Taiwanese constitution lists "Rights and Duties of the People."

No, of course there is no recognized right to keep and bear arms.

My favorite enumeration is Chapter 2, Article 22:

All other freedoms and rights of the people that are not detrimental to social order or public welfare shall be guaranteed under the Constitution.

Gee, that doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room, does it?

Criminals Violate Post Office Gun Ban!

The robbers tied up the employees at gunpoint before filling the mail bags with cash, then making their getaway.

What the hell is wrong with those criminals?

Are they totally oblivious to this?

Like, guns are illegal in post offices, fellas.


We're STILL the Only Ones ProfessioBLAM!

Sheriff’s spokesman Tom Reedy said the officers were preparing for the training about 8:35 a.m. when Clark’s Glock pistol discharged.

All by its own self...