Thanks to the happy few who have taken the initiative to help spread the word on this. Please inform me if I've missed anyone:
The Liberty Sphere
Rational Review News Digest
A Keyboard and a .45
Kent's Hooligan Libertarian Blog
Ohio CCW Forums
The High Road
I appreciate the mentions. That said, this is pretty pathetic, and this minimal effort is doomed not to happen if that's the extent of it.
I guess I never seem to understand the extent of gun owner non-involvement and apathy--even though I should know it better than most. This site had under 2,000 hits yesterday (and that's pretty pathetic, too, especially considering the kind of mega-traffic anything about LiLo or Paris will generate), and yet how many of you--who come here every day--have even sent an email to anyone about this, let alone asked other blogs, or gun organizations, or gun stores, or whoever, to help promote this concept?
And by the way--where are the gun stores that are signing on to this?
I must confess--when I read posts (generally anonymous ones) saying things like "From my cold dead hands" or "Molon Labe" and I know from experience that most gun owners won't even send an email, it does not fill me with hope that these will show up on the green when muster is called.
Churchill said it best:
If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.
Enough bitching. I hope you join me, but I'm fresh out of ideas on how to make that happen. So ultimately, the fault must lie within me. Maybe it's just because it's a trivial idea, but I keep coming back to the worry that if we can't even take small steps together, dreaming of ever taking giant strides is futile.