Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Of Mice and Men

Fun Turns to Tragedy has a mouse story for us.

Well told. Me 'n my mom's cat once bagged a mouse together, and it took a while to earn back forgiveness after I took the brown paper bag outside and released our hostage in a field.

I'm primed for the promised conclusion to this tale.

"Shop the Gun Criminals"

Hey, it's not just the title that makes no sense (they probably meant to say "Stop," but got careless in their orgiastic glee to print another anti-gun hit piece).

Here's another total waste of resources if the goal is stopping violent crime. If the goal is increasing the state's grasp and consolidating your base of inmate snitches, however, the plan is grand.

My favorite line:

"It relays the simple message 'if you know someone has got a gun but don't report it you could have blood on your hands.'"


That does it. I'm turning you guys in.

Two Letters

Stuart Caesar and Gene Reed tell the Philadelphia Daily News why it's full of it.