Saturday, July 09, 2005

Was My Face Red!

Head tells us about Tom MacRae, who opened mouth and inserted foot in a very public way--one that will surely cause him grief for years to come.

Out of Africa

Rational Review points us to an article by Robert B. Reich who argues "End rich-nation farm subsidies, and Africa and other poor nations have a fighting chance."

Reich calling for an end to any kind of government meddling with the economy is an event unto itself, but that ain't the half of it. My sister Betsy sent me a magnificent Spiegel interview with Kenyan economics expert James Shikwati, who pleads "For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!"

Read this. It is profound, and directly applicable to what is happening in this country via the welfare state, do-gooders and unintended consequences, and no, of course I'm not solely addressing a specific minority community.

The social engineers (like Reich) have created a cycle of dependency and generational poverty. Coupled with insane prohibitions, this must always result in a robust criminal subculture with attendant violence, and increasingly repressive government using that as an excuse to expand its clutches.

Those who would disarm us have created a system in which "gun crimes" are inevitable, and this in turn fuels the demand to disarm everyone. And the results of that, should it come to pass, are also entirely predictable.

I hope the interview with Mr. Shikwati receives widespread attention. It is one of the most compelling and persuasive arguments against interfering with people "for their own good" I have read. He appears to be a great man. Let's pray he is allowed to continue living and promoting his message.

So naturally, the G-8 leaders and their idiot puppet Bono are hell-bent on doing just the opposite of what is needed--giving the African despots who suppress and murder their people more resources to plunder.

But Bob Geldorf and Sting will feel good about how important and generous and wise they are--and the bankers and governments who made criminally negligent loans will dodge another bullet.

A Hot Button Issue

Fun Turns to Tragedy designed this cool link button for WarOnGuns, plus offers some encouraging words.

Thanks, Kirk. I appreciate your kindness.

I'm also eagerly awaiting the conclusion of your mouse story.