Friday, May 18, 2007

We Need Common Sense Gavin Newsom Control

“Enough is enough,” said Newsom in the city’s Bayview district. “We need common sense gun control.”
And what is "common sense" to a creature who makes no secret of his evil desire to disarm everyone but his enforcers?

Remember--this is the creature who decides for himself which laws to publicly flout--and unleashes a criminal investigation on those who ask if they can do the same and disregard laws they don't like.

This is the creep who uses girls half his age, providing for their underage drinking. And while we're on that subject, this is the substance abusing loser who can't control his own behavior, which may explain why he wants to control everyone else's.

This is the exhibitionist pervert who fellates microphones in public.

This is the subversive who has declared SF a "sanctuary" for immigration lawbreakers.

Thing is, Gavin, you think you're on the winning side. It ain't over yet, pal. The day may yet come when the investigation focuses on you.

[Via Vinnie]


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I especially like the utter contempt for the Fourth Amendment (as well as the Second) displayed by the district attorney:

The idea, she contends, is to remind legal gun owners how to behave.

"Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible and safe in the way that you conduct your affairs," Harris said.

And she presumes to tell us how to behave?

Vinnie said...

"Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible and safe in the way that you conduct your affairs," Harris said.

Actually thats EXACTLY what it means.

David Codrea said...

It should be no surprise that Kamala Harris used a red star in her campaign logo.

Anonymous said...

Gota be a hammer and sickle in there, too

Anonymous said...

I emailed the DA's office, noting that very thing. And I used the words "Red Star of Communism".

Anonymous said...

You guys are being awfully hard on Newsom--I understand his position. If I were a mayor like that fartbag, I wouldn't want the constituency to have guns either :)

me said...

that's why he only goes after his friends drug addicted wives.

can we just admit the constitution has been done away with already and start figured out what to DO about it?

there are at least two sets of rules the ones they use for them and the ones they use for us. We don't get to say "I have a problem and I'm sorry" and go into "rehab" we go straight to jail. They get to shit on the constitution and laws and we get lethal injections.when the hell do we hold them to the same standards?

A law holding them to MUCH higher standards is LONG overdue in this nation. Public servants should get 5 times the penalty as "civilians." Anyone helping cover up a crime gets double the perps penalty. They all lose ALL benefits for themselves and family, including any government protections. And finally their offices need to be streamed online 24x7. They have to be completely transparent in their dealings. Mandated database of audio at all times. Tampering with it gets them life.

Ken said...

+1, hobbit and vinnie.

Some might say gun owners need reminding how to behave. I doubt Kamala Harris means the same thing they mean, though, and I doubt she would like it very much.

Anonymous said...

Just remember, body armor drill.
Two center mass and one to the head. Unless your using "cop killer" hunting ammo. Then it's shoot til the threat is stopped!