Friday, October 17, 2008

Another School Shooting

A University of Arizona student fatally shot two men who forced their way into his off-campus home early Thursday, Tucson police said.
Too bad he didn't live ON campus. Then he could be dead, which would serve the purposes of those seeking even more control just fine.

[Via Featherless Biped]


Sheepdoggy said...

"The student is cooperating with detectives, who are making sure his statements match up with evidence at the scene, Pacheco said. But there's nothing to indicate he did anything wrong."

This is why you should never talk to the police. Let your lawyer do the talking. Professor James Duane

The_Chef said...

every 1 in 3 students had a gun at my college, and most didn't keep them in the locker like they were required. I've never felt more safe in my entire life.

Kent McManigal said...

If he lived on campus, he would only be dead if he were "law abiding".

Unknown said...

Dead, or in Jail.