Thursday, October 08, 2009

Tragic Statistics Avoided in New Hampshire

A devout Mormon on the verge of becoming a church missionary helped lead a group of machete-toting teens accused of butchering a nurse in her bed and slashing her 11-year-old daughter’s throat in what officials say was a sadistic pact to attack at random. [More]
Thank goodness the woman didn't have a firearm--otherwise, we might be reading about more "child gun deaths," and what could be more tragic than that?

[Via SaMaeL]


Carl Bussjaeger said...

David, this happened not far from where I live. In fact when I first saw a photo of Mrs. Cates, I realized I'd even met her, though I didn't know her. I've been following this. Cops aren't giving too many details yet, but it sounds like the mother was attacked in her sleep around 4AM, and the daughter immediately after. This is one case where the victims truly might not have been able to get a gun in time.

Despite the influx of hoplophobic asylum-escapees from Massachusetts gun ownership is EXTREMELY common around here. People guns and they do practice. There are several private ranges on my road alone.

Sean said...

Yes, it was a case of she truly did not have time to get a gun. Exactly where were you standing in the room, when the perps came in, CB?

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of how the MSM trumpets the name of the accused's religion immediately, as long as it isn't the "religion of peace".

Carl Bussjaeger said...

Sean, I considered letting that pass, but decided not to. Did you actually read what I wrote? Do you actually think I'd take the side of victim disarmers? If so, maybe you'd better google my name.

I did not say Mrs. Cates did not have time to grab a gun. I suggested that since early reports said the machete came down WHILE SHE WAS ASLEEP she really MIGHT not have had a chance.

"Exactly where were you standing in the room, when the perps came in," Sean, that you know she did have a chance?

Me, I'm just going by the news reports. New Hampshire is not a victim disarmament zone, and I've not seen any reports indicating that the family deliberately kept firearms unavailable. Throw in that the victim was apparently attacked in her sleep, and I don't yet see this case as an RKBA issue. If you have more data, please share.

straightarrow said...

Well Carl, I do it as an RKBA issue. This just proves that people need to give up their guns.

Don't believe me? Wait a bit, some asshole will use it that way. Remember the call for stricter gun control after so many were killed with box cutters? What do you think will happen with machete killings? They are much bigger than box cutters, so it's time to get rid of the guns.

For the dimwits, the above is sarcasm. Google it.

Carl Bussjaeger said...

Hi, straightarrow. Yep, I know what you mean. Happily, that won't fly here. As an example: Recently, an unarmed elderly woman was mugged and injured. Someone wrote in that we needed to take up a collection to get the woman a decent handgun and training. It was not a facetious comment.

The Mass-holes haven't taken over NH yet.

cranky said...

I think they brought up the killer's Mormon faith because it's so damn unusual -- especially tied in with the brutal nature of the crime.

But if he WERE something other than a white-bread Christian, they would make as little fuss as possible about that detail. Wouldn't want the "rednecks" to get any ideas.

Gregg said...

This is a good illustration that a gun alone is not enough. Strong doors, strong windows and some sort of alarm system (I'm partial to the 4 footed autonomous alarm systems myself) are necessary for safety in our homes.

Ned said...


I haven't read any autopsy report, but many people with horrific injuries are still able to protect themselves with a gun AFTER being severely injured.

It's a little too early to Sunday quarterback this matter.

I agree with Gregg - even a small rat dog will easily alert the homeowner.

Most criminals avoid homes with dogs, just like they choose unarmed victims if they have the choice.