Sunday, February 07, 2010

Portrait of a Gun Control Supporter

He can't--or more likely won't--control himself. [Read]

Naturally, that means he must control everyone else.

And what better thing to do it with, once they're disarmed, than his machine gun?


Anonymous said...

My father is like this. He tells me about what he assumes he would do if he had a handgun in his glove box during his many moments of rage at his fellow drivers. Hence guns should be banned.

At least he somewhat admits that he is projecting.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a place for this clown in the naacp.

Doesn't Jackson and Sharpton seem to have issues in this regard?

Pat H said...

South Africa will be following the path of Rhodesia, for the same reasons, within our lifetimes, more slowly perhaps, but the inevitable will occur.

Zuma wants most people disarmed so that he can step up the murders that have plagued South Africa ever since the Afrikaners were forced to relinquish power.

straightarrow said...

It is the same all over Africa. One must ask, is this predisposition to faithlessness, tyranny, murder and genocide genetic?

I assume that for posing the above, I will be called a racist, but I am not blind and I see even in our own inner cities much the same type of culture, even though centuries and distance separate the affected populations who seem to share only race. Therefore, the question must be asked.

Or is this just the proof of Lord Acton's famous principle as re; power? Doesn't appear that power resides much in our inner cities (yes, that is a code word for black neighborhoods) yet perhaps there is a different perception of power than there.

Sean said...

This is why the progressives and the the blacks in S.Africa whined and wimpered for self-rule for so many years. Because they can do it so much better than whitey! It used to be a self-sufficient world power, with nuclear weapons. Now it's a third world socialist shitstorm that businesses play keep away with. And if anyone wants to call me racist, I do not give a damn. Big deal. Going to make me change my mind? Not unless you kill me.