Monday, January 17, 2011

We're the Only Ones "Rectum? Damn Near Killed 'im" Enough

"The yanked me out of the car, put a knee on my back, and checked my rectum several times," said a 20 year old man who did not want to use his name. [More]

We're told, however, that's 'unlikely."  Department protocol 'n all...And seeing as how this is Maryland, recording cops to challenge their version of events is verboten.

Just like in Illinois.

Now bend over and just relax.

When a man doesn't even own his own @$$hole, the system's pretty much broken, don't you think?


Defender said...

And they wonder why people run when they see the police coming. Why a cop's only friends are other cops.

BrianF said...

" might be a matter of training."
How much training does an "only one" need before they realize that reaching into someone's ass may be considered illegal and inappropriate?

AvgJoe said...

I believe the cops were just checking to see if other people's brains were in the same place as their brains are.

Ed said...

So, to avoid hearing "super-secret" police radio broadcast information should we stick our fingers into our ears and scream "I can't hear you" when an officer approaches? Why is the officer not required to wear headphones so that the "super-secret" information is not shared?