Monday, July 30, 2012

In the Hands of Soldiers

What kind of criminal would want it otherwise? [View]


Crotalus said...

"In the hands of soldiers..."

Yeah that's *cough*(Waco) a great *cough*(Ruby Ridge) idea! Only soldiers should have *cough*(Katrina) guns!

Mark Matis said...

Now Crotalus, you left out Atlanta (Kathryn Johnson), Detroit (Aiyana Jones), Las Vegas (Eric Scott), Pinal County (Jose Gurena), Fullerton (Kelly Thomas), Lake County (Andrew Lee Scott) and hundreds more across the country.

The stench is overwhelming. And it smells like pig.

Crotalus said...

Yeah, Mark, I know. There's a whole list of incidents of cops (and the military) breaking the law, violating the Bill of Rights, and committing outright murder to exert their authority. See David Codrea's "Only Ones" files.