Wednesday, July 25, 2012

'Shooting Death' Kabuki

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths [More]

Say, here's an idea: Why not compare and publicize how gun-free Japan does to, say, the NRA, with a population of 4 million of the most heavily-armed citizens on the planet?

But then, that would effectively kill the argument that it's the guns, wouldn't it?


Frederick H Watkins said...

This brings up an interesting question. Just what are the relevant stats of the 4 million person population that is the NRA membership?

Mack said...

Yeah, nice try. I believe Don Kates has written before about the per-capita suicide rate in Japan is higher than the U.S.

See here:


Nice tables!

Crotalus said...

Japan and the NRA? Naahh. that would ruin the Narrative.