Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Holder asking court to bow out on Fast and Furious leaves solution up to Romney

What that means is, the only hope those demanding truth and consequences for Fast and Furious will have is if Mitt Romney defeats Obama. Unfortunately, even that will give no guarantee, because the GOP challenger has thus far played coy on the matter, paying lip service along the lines of South Park’s Mr. Mackey (“Gunwalker’s bad, m’kay”), but revealing absolutely nothing about what he will do if given the power to make a difference in the way an executive branch abomination that has left hundreds of dead human beings in its wake is treated. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes we basically have one chance left--assuming the fix isn't already in.


Anonymous said...

Too late, fix is in, has been from the start.

Anonymous said...

If the Mexicans had any huevos they'd send some sneaky guys up here to grab the main players and put them on trial down in old Mexico.