Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Piling On

If she only hears from one side, she'll think she's alone. [Read

Make letting her know she's not today's Five Minute Activism task.

I just did:
Two things I'd like to know:

Why doesn't this report also talk about supportive gun owners showing up?

And  why doesn't the "local gun club" kick Karen Fester out?


LC Scotty said...


Bear said...

"State Rep. Steve Shurtleff (D) gave Ayotte credit..."
When _Shurtleff_ gives someone credit, that's A Bad Thing. This is the guy behind the push to eliminate Stand Your Ground (which Evan Nappen very recently used to get an acquittal for a man who defended himself and a friend from multiple attackers in Nashua), despite the fact that he admits he cann't document even a _single_ case of SYG being used improperly.

Ayotte is hearing from the RKBA side. But aside from some coverage in the UL, we don't get much press. Ayotte isn't going to talk much about us (or to us), because she _does_ favor expanded background/preemptively-prove-your-innocence checks. The only reason she _eventually_ voted against the last batch of victim disarmament bill in the senate was all the calls, emails, postal letters, and Facebook postings and comments. Her staffers were apparently panicking and outright lying to callers to get us to go away.

Ayotte is now working with Gillbrand on the next shot at expanded checks. This is nor surprise to those who've watched her career. She made her bones politically by pushing for police power (and police _unaccountability_); she's a police state cheerleader. Infringements for "security" is what she does. Always has, always will.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Wow--that Fester is a piece of . . . um, work:

It’s just that the people who own gun shops or run gun shows don’t want their way of life threatened.

The nerve! Selfishly defending their way of life.

I also thanked Senator Ayotte on Facebook and Twitter.

bondmen said...

Thank you for another great opportunity to make a positive move in support of the real America! I sent the good Senator this message:
"Dear Senator Ayotte:

On behalf of all freedom and liberty loving Americans throughout our great land, I personally want to thank you for your bold and proper stand in support of privacy for all firearms owning Americans. I believe you share my fears all too many in the District wish to put together a list of gun owners and grow this list as new buyers exercise their God given right to self defense. A list will be the key to future firearms confiscation when the wrong people in power feel bold enough to make a move. History of course shows US confiscation is the precursor to total people control aka state enforced slavery. Of course hundreds of thousands of Americans will refuse to live in such a state, we consider The Constitution & Declaration our governing documents.

You are greatly appreciated Senator Ayotte and history will kindly remember your vote supporting US. We cherish your continued support for the principles set forth by our wise and thoughtful Founders.

Best Regards,"

Dave said...

Not sure how much weight a message to another state's senator will carry, but I sent some encouragement.

"Thank you for voting against gun control. Although the media is currently making much angry noise at you, please remember that the only people who care enough about gun control to let it change their vote years later are we who oppose gun control, as demonstrated by the 1994 congressional elections and the 2000 presidential election."

David Codrea said...

Dave, that's why some of us are arguing we need to change that perception.  We can support or oppose politicians in other states financially and in other ways, and can actually have more sway over them than, say, a captive California gun owner would on a Dianne Feinstein who will be safe from them no matter what she does--so why not have blue state gun owners influence politicians in other states rather than wasting time and energy trying to email and fax committed antis.  You can read more details about how we can better organize along those lines here.

Anonymous said...

I sent her a short Thank you and also mentioned that even though I am not her constituent her votes do affect me. I really hope she doesn't flip.

Thanks for the info and the link

Joe K.

Eric said...

Not one to miss out on supporting those who uphold liberty and oppose those who would take it away, (partly because it ticks them off) the Senator has received my note of appreciation.

RVN11B said...

Also done!