Friday, February 27, 2015

Got a Hanky?

Why yes. Yes we do. [More]

Have you met Mr. Hankey? He basically personifies everything she stands (sits?) for.

And isn't it something-- the link for her on the state's taxpayer-funded site goes to this:

Way to chill the First Amendment along with the Second, McAwful, you piece of Mr. Hankey. How the HELL is that an appropriate page to link to?

[Via Mack H]


Bear said...

"How the HELL is that an appropriate page to link to?"

The CSG must be reading your blog. The .gov link now goes to a 404 at CSG.

MackH said...

McAuliffe truly is AWFUL.

Anonymous said...

I got the same page you did, but the very top says page not found. Must be a redirect that didn't work.