Thursday, February 05, 2015

Stolen Valor

Brian Williams admits that his story of coming under fire while in Iraq was false... [More]
It's not the first time he's been caught in a lie, but that time it was an "approved" one.

Maybe I'm being too harsh with that characterization. After all, he says:
I made a mistake in recalling the events...
That's reminiscent of:
So I made a mistake. That happens. It proves I'm human...
Besides, what difference does it make?


Robert Fowler said...

“I don’t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”

Wanting to be the center of attention comes to mind. The same reason some of these REMF's "enhance" their service records and then get caught.

Mack said...

"Maybe I'm being too harsh with that characterization."

No, you are not.

j said...

I remember that it was this man who shielded Hilary Clinton from the Bosnian sniper fire as she ran across the tarmac on that frightening day! He should get the Blue Falcon award!

Ned said...

Hey - this reminds me of when my chopper was shot down in Vietnam, and I contracted dysentery when I was take prisoner. Oh, wait - that was somebody else...