Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Lesser of Two Evils?

Pataki? [More]


But...but...but... court nominees!

What about 'em?

At least with a Dem, prags won't be able to delude themselves and talk others into thinking gun owners have anything other than a committed enemy in the White House.


Robert Fowler said...

Gun owners need to get over the whole R and D thing. We had a rep, here in Iowa, Leonard Boswell, that was a decorated Viet Nam vet, helicopter pilot and good friend of the 2nd Amendment. He was a D. I know Leonard and he has always been a champion for veterans and gun owners.

That letter after their name means absolutely shit to me. I've been voting since the 70's and I have never voted a straight ticket. People need to take the time to read someones record and make a informed decision. Not all D's are anti-gun and not all R's are pro-gun. Too many vote like the drones these politicians want. Vote party and we will take care of you. Sheep.

Mack said...

Wait, lemme guess.

Prags means pragmatists.

How am I doing?