Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Jiffy Pop

The false alarm was traced to the Tory building, near the centre of the campus, where students were reportedly popping about 80 balloons, sending some students into a panic and triggering the emergency call. [More]
A false alarm or a malicious one...?

I didn't give this one an "Only Ones" title because a rapid response was appropriate. I find it hard to believe that the students doing the popping were oblivious to the potential for others to react the way they did. Could they really be that stupidly self-absorbed? It seems intentional, and inducing panic in others is a good way to get people hurt.

Why is my first reaction to suspect an anti-gun stunt to make a point?

[Via Steve T


GaryM said...

When balloons are outlawed, only outlaws will have balloons!

Anonymous said...

Ban all bubble wrap!