Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Prelude to... What, Exactly?

Something is fishy about USS Fitzgerald story we are getting from the media [More]
This won't be the first time transparency has not been forthcoming and connections to something that will bite us in the future obscured.

[Via Florida Guy]  


Anonymous said...

A dry/wet-run?

Trojan horse?

Mack said...

Thank you, FG. I held off thinking David might not be interested.

This seems very suspicious. Earlier, I saw this; what do you think?


David Codrea said...

I believe this should have gone here:

rexxhead has left a new comment on your post "We're the Only Ones Helpful Enough":

Don't these Navy ships have radar? It seems almost incomprehensible that anyone looking at a radar screen and seeing a large vessel heading toward them wouldn't -- you know -- say something, maybe "Hey! We're gonna get rammed!" and that others in charge of steering might steer toward safety, or is it the rule that "We're the Navy; we're not moving"?

There is a tradition called The General Prudential Rule that says (net) if you can avoid an accident and don't, it's your fault. Who shall we blame for this?