Wednesday, November 22, 2017

With 'Progressives,' Every Day is Opposite Day

Patriotic Millionaires attacks 'free enterprise,' 'limited government,' and 'traditional family values' [More]
Orwell could have made an INGSOC slogan out of that.

I wonder if the mob hauling the tumbrils will be moved by cries of "Wait! I'm one of you!"

[Via Mack H]


Anonymous said...

Money and Power.
That's all they want. Wonder where "the great equalizer" sits in their mind? Likely resting in the hands 'the powerful' so us little people don't hurt ourselves...we can be more efficient persons/xe/xer/whatever for our masters, in their eyes.

Mack said...

This is similar to Tom Steyer having created "Indivisible" to promote diversity and multiculturalism.

E Pluribus null and void?