Tuesday, January 23, 2018

WHEREAS, the State of Hawaii...

Their own "standards" on"may issue" are "may not." [More]

And why stop there?

Besides, who needs a gun when you're surrounded by saints?
“Other than the gas masks and iodine tabs, in a hurricane or tsunami or even an earthquake, which we’ve had, this stuff is important because people will go nuts,” Pang said. “But I’ll never buy a gun because I have more hope for humanity and the people of Hawaii, because the people of Hawaii are good.”
Don't these people have a luggage combination to reset or something...?

[Via George Pace]

1 comment:

David Codrea said...

I believe this belongs here:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Public Screening":

You know, the definition of insanity. Well, just look at Hawaii political history. Same thing over and over and over and over and over.....