Monday, February 12, 2018

Teach Your Children Well

No, guns are not the problem. The problem is feelings. I am a member of the last generation of American children whose parents disciplined not only our behavior, but also insisted that we exercise emotional self-control. [More]
That there are parents who don't do that is something I've never been able to get my head around.  Children are so much more interesting and fun to be around when you put the effort into cultivating that which brings out the best in them.

[Via Mack H]


Mack said...

David, I propose a field-experiment for folks here.

Find any child out there who says:

Yes sir
No sir
Yes ma'am
No ma'am

They don't exist.

Mike H said...

The Hilands agree with you David.

David Codrea said...

Mine exist.

Mack said...

"Mine exist."

Hooray, good for you! We need Fathers in this country, America.

Without fathers (who are married, and raising their children) we are doomed.