Tuesday, March 06, 2018

New Anti-Gun ‘Study’ a Rehash of Same Old Lies

This is “huge”?  This is “bad news for the NRA”? It looks more like wishful thinking peppered with graphics designed to make it look like they’re dealing with facts. And when they get to facts we can check, claims start to fall apart. [More]
Told ya some stuff was in the works. This is my first article for Firearms News. Hopefully it will be the first of many.

Do feel free to go over there and leave a comment -- and to share the link.


Mack said...

This is “huge”? This is great news for you, and for us!


MamaLiberty said...

Glad to see you getting more outlets. I didn't leave a comment there because all of the points needed had already been made. :)