Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Ducey IS the Disaster

We are hearing that there is a strong possibility that “Ducey’s Disaster” could be introduced in the Legislature this coming week. Though most of us have not yet seen the actual language of his so-called “School Safety” proposal, his public press release contained more than enough to be concerned about. Everything from court ordered firearms confiscations (and involuntary mental evaluations) that would disarm you based on the feelings of friends or family that you “could” be dangerous, down to proposals that would make parents felons for the unlawful actions of their children. [More]
Honest-- I didn't set out to make this a theme for today.  I just can't stop from running into it.

[Via Felix B]


Mack said...

But but but ....

... what about motor vehicles too?

Anonymous said...

That's a hoot. If Homo Sapiens Sapiens if not the most dangerous species on the planet we're certainly near the top of the list.

So how would any court rule any of us is not dangerous?