Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Bank Shots

Banks, Credit-Card Companies Explore Ways to Monitor Gun Purchases - The discussions are preliminary but the move could be a prelude to restricting such transactions [More]
The bastards. We need to see a major unified effort to deny taxpayer-backed contracts and bailouts to economic fascists.

I submitted my latest GUNS Magazine article, "Banking on Disarmament," 10 days ago and it's probably too late to make a revision, but I sent this to my editor and asked if at all possible to add this to the end. That's one of the problems of writing about developing issues for something with a future pub date and tight lead times: significant new developments can happen between article submission and the mag hitting the stands.

[Via Dave Licht]


Henry said...

“But banks haven’t typically tried to block or restrict controversial purchases made by consumers.”

They misspelled “constitutionally-protected.”

Anonymous said...

Time to go back to foldable legal tender for those "controversial" purchases.