Tuesday, May 01, 2018

We're the Only Ones Discriminated Against Enough

Unarmed Woman Shot by Muslim Cop Was Killed by ‘Islamophobia’ [More]
The poor man.

The blood is on your hands, haters.

[Via Jess]


FedUp said...

I think that should say 'killed by Islamophilia', if the only reason he had a badge and a gun is that the entire Twin Cities region is trying to suck up to Muslims.

SGT.BAG said...

In the mind of a collectivist, the death of one Australian woman is a small price to pay to appease the Gods of diversity.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if a jury finds Mr. Noor not guilty based on lax departmental policies meant to accommodate his incompetence and an underlying bias toward Muslims in America. They will award him a large settlement to compensate for his pain and suffering. After all if your only defense is Islamaphobia isn't he the real victim