Thursday, January 17, 2019

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Universal' Is



[Via Jess]


Henry said...

I'm not sure what your point is here. The data shows that lots of dirtbags have guns, and few bought from from retail sources where they could have been background-checked. Entirely on its face, that would be an argument FOR more universal checks, on private sales or even transfers. What am I missing?

David Codrea said...

Assuming you were magic and could make that happen, yeah.

Henry said...

Guy Smith over at Gun Facts has a more persuasive presentation of this data, showing that 43% of crime guns are obtained by "underground and illegal" sources, none of which would be diminished by any new law; and only 25% by "person to person" transfer, many categories of which are entirely legal and would remain so under the proposed law.