Tuesday, April 30, 2019

We're the Only Ones Not Shocking Enough

Attorney: Ladue officer thought she grabbed her Taser before shooting suspected shoplifter [More]
The officer...the officer...the officer...

Aren't 4 W's and an H enough?

[Via bondmen]


Anonymous said...

“I cannot even express to you how upset she is. How devastated she is. She knows this is just an absolute, terrible accident,” he said."
Well, put your mind at ease, Buttercup. No need to be devastated. She will walk. A peon who grabbed a gun instead of a Taser wouldn't even be considered for bail. Besides, how she feeelz post incident is irrelevant. She is devastated because she f**ked up.

Jeffersonian said...

How many does that make? That we know about? Going back at least as far as Oscar Grant.