Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Who Do We Root For?

George Soros Calls for Removal of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for ‘Helping Trump Get Re-Elected’ [More]
If it were on pay-per-view, would you prefer with weapons or bare-handed?

[Via Michael G]


Chas said...

Given Soros, I would go bare-handed. Zuck could take out that old Nazi with a choke hold real quick. Then all we'd have to deal with is Zuck the Schmuck.

Malachias said...

200 Quatloos on the skinny nerd.

--Cousin G

DDS said...

Two men enter!

One man leaves!

Thun Der Dome!

Thun Der Dome!

Anonymous said...

"If it were on pay-per-view, would you prefer with weapons or bare-handed?"

Contestants get to choose between Gerber MkII and K-Bar Marine fighter.
200 Quatloos on Zuck the Schmuck.