Monday, March 23, 2020

The Best Laid Schemes o' Mice and Men

States Can't Shut Down Non-Essential Businesses Without Harming Essential Ones - The coronavirus outbreak offers another view of the limits of central planning. [More]
Unintended consequences abound.

[Via Mack H]


DDS said...


Economic central planning has been proven to work in a number of outstanding examples: the USSR, the Warsaw Pact, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela to name just a few.

Henry said...

"If everything we do saves just one life, I will be happy," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Friday, as he announced a new round of restrictions on businesses and individuals.”

Under that logic, if anythig you do costs just one life, you should be hanged.

Simplistic socialist asshole.

Bill in ILL said...

I will add a twist to Henry's comment, what if everything this thug does saves the life of one China Virus patient, but costs the lives of ten others who would have lived under normal circumstances? Is that just peachy with this shallow fool?