Tuesday, May 05, 2020

And Now a Word from the Elite with a NYC Carry Permit

Like these guys?

I thought that was a feature of the Second Amendment.

How dare anyone put our Redcoats and Hessians at risk!

[Via Matthew L]


1chota said...

Hannity is a city worm. He has no true understanding of the 2nd Amendment.
He honestly believes you can reason with commies or vote them out.
Sadly, it ain't gonna happen.

Matt said...

So he's in the "They may be redcoats, but they're our redcoats" camp.


Anonymous said...

I started not listening to Hanity when he went all in for "Stop and Frisk". If he was willing to ignore the 4th, what would be next. There you have it (2nd). He's just a liberal mouthpiece. He's now part of the upper crust and has all the perks. Why can't you little people understand!

Bill in ILL said...

Never liked Hannity, he is a condescending fool who thinks he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. He also has a very annoying habit of making every story about himself.