Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Glad Tidings?

Major 2A Decision Regarding Gun Shop Closures Coming [Watch]
So far I haven't found a write-up on this. Appropriate links requested...

[Via Jess]


Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

Seems to be this:

Judge has ordered the state to explain why gun stores -- supporting an enumerated right -- are closed while liquor stores are opn.

Henry said...

"We do contend that rights of plaintiffs are fully protected by the availability of ammunition in Walmart," Kobick responded. "Many of the plaintiffs live near state borders. They can always go to dealers in New Hampshire."

Where they can't buy handguns, you dips*it.

The balls of this idiot, suggesting that "private sales" will suffice. There are no gun shows, the local papers and the Internet won't take gun ads, and the state paperwork is burdensome to the extreme.