Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Decree-Obeying Subjects

If you ever call yourself a “law-abiding” gun owner, stop. It’s degrading. It insults the shooting community, and it hurts private gun ownership. Stop now and never use that phrase again. [More]
Some of us use a different qualifier.

Others will never change.



Mack said...

David, I approve this message.

Great post.

Worthy of expanding to AL.

P.S - David, Captcha wants me to select all images with statutes.

I'm sure you appreciate the irony.

Anonymous said...

"If you find yourself through the looking glass, where the verities of the world you knew and loved no longer apply, there is only one thing to do. Knock the Red Queen on her ass, turn around, and smash the bloody mirror." -- Mike Vanderboegh

Nuff said!

Chris Mallory said...

I have to agree. I do not cause harm to others by force or fraud. I do not lie or steal (cuts me out of government employment right there). But I am not "law abiding". Just because a group of scum gets together and votes that an act is a crime does not mean that act is wrong. If I am not harming another it is no one's business what I do.