Friday, June 19, 2020

Sigmoidoscope-Selling Capitalist

Chick-fil-A CEO suggests white people shine the shoes of black people to express 'shame' over racism [More]
Speaking of being out of his mind. I'd think an employee who gets hurt by criminal actions in one of the stores could make a good case that the top guy's "don't blame violent criminals" signaling encourages more.

Does this idiot really believe his contemptible appeasement will be enough for the leftists?

[Via Mack H]


Mack said...

"Does this idiot really believe his contemptible appeasement will be enough for the leftists?"

No. He wants all whites to repent.

vintovka said...

Chick-fil-A lost my business last year when they stiffed the Salvation Army, which to its credit, had taken a stand for traditional marriage.
The cake was already baked - this is just the icing.