Thursday, March 24, 2005

NRA's Montana SNAFU Redux

FreedomSight makes some interesting counter-arguments about when property rights conflict with RKBA.

He raises some good points.

If you want to enter my premises, I should have the right to set the terms: only if you give me a million dollars, poke out one eye and paint yourself blue.

Assuming I can't coerce you into doing this, you have the right to either accept my terms or tell me to go to hell, and go someplace where the terms are more to your liking.

My main point is that I don't believe a state rep acts in defiance of Beltway policy.

Words and actions are sometimes very different things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gotta agree with you about the inconsistencies in NRA stated policies and what really happens.

The head honchos like to talk tough. Down in the trenches, it's a different story.