Friday, April 29, 2005

Shameless Plug: "Weapons of Choice"

"Their inability to reach a consensus notwithstanding, it’s evident that those who would eliminate private ownership of firearms all agree on one thing: they mean to leave us no choice."

"Weapons of Choice" is my Rights Watch column for the June issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale now at preferred newsstands throughout the Republic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"They" mean to leave us only one choice, and that being a choice between evils. "They" want to leave you only this choice, "give up your guns or use them". The noose is closing around our collective necks, the trap set, the chess board arrayed and pieces set, now all we need is a spark to set the blaze burning. As for me, "they" can have my guns, I will freely give them to them... BULLETS FIRST!!! Molon Labe (Come and take them)