Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Dianne Feinstein's Monumental Hysterics

"'For instance, a sniper atop the Washington Monument (with a .50-caliber rifle) could target anybody or anything within a four-mile radius, including the White House, the Capitol, every building on or around the Mall, and aircraft flying in and out of Reagan National Airport,' Feinstein said in a statement."

Senator, have you toured the Washington Monument lately? It is one of the most visibly guarded structures in the visibly guarded Capitol. Half the windows on each side have been sealed off from public viewing because they now contain "Homeland Security" surveillance cameras and equipment.

If someone truly wanted to do damage to this nation and its institutions, they'd gain political power and subvert the Republic from within.

But you know that, don't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So now the Washinton Monument has been converted from a place for the people to gaze upon the government into a spy tower for the government to keep its "benevolent" eye upon us, hunh? Why am I not surprised?

As for DiFi, she lies! She's not stupid; she LIES! SHE is one of those subverting the Republic from within! The bullet may be able to reach out that far, but to actually hit a target out that far is a feat that's nearly impossible! I'd like to meet the shooter who could pull that off!

I, however, can think of a few "targets" closer in, though! (heh heh heh!)