Sunday, October 16, 2005

Now Raise Your Right Hoof and Repeat After Me

Baaa, baaaa, baaaaa...

""The value of this pledge can be taught at home," Sparks said.

Huff agreed, and said parents need to pay attention if their child doesn't want to sign the pledge.

That's just plain evil.

The gun court, organized in 1995, is a nationally recognized model hailed by former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft.

Why does that not surprise me?


E. David Quammen said...

Chilling that Nazi and Communist techniques are being actively applied in this country!

Take a look at one I found earlier today;
Pulled this off Firearms & Liberty.....
"... we call for effective and courageous action to control handguns, leading to their eventual elimination from society." - Kate Krisik, Social Concerns Director for the Minnesota Catholic Conference - Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, article by Conrad Defiebre.
(Below are my comments posted on the blog)
I guess she forgets the Nazis' and the sin of omission the Catholic church committed by remaining silent when the Jews, Christians, gypsies and others were marched off to their deaths!

Anonymous said...

"Family Court Senior Trial Referee Andra Sparks, who oversees Jefferson County's juvenile gun court, urged parents to support their kids who are willing to back the pledge.
"The value of this pledge can be taught at home," Sparks said.
Huff agreed, and said parents need to pay attention if their child doesn't want to sign the pledge."
i'd certainly "pay attention" if such a "pledge" were offered in our local schools, and paddle my grand daughter's backside if she were foolish enough to sign it. (she's 10 years old and already a shooter with a .22 llama, she'll be getting a SIG "mosquito" next spring.)