Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We're Almost the Only Ones

Police say a security guard at the Anderson County Library fired his gun at a car after the driver triggered a security alarm.
Put down that overdue book and come out with your hands up!

So is this guy "Only One" material or what?

[Via John Schaefer]


me said...

instead of asking not to send him back I'd be asking for an attempted murder investigation...what if there were children in the car?

Anonymous said...

A little geometry here; How was he close enough that the bumper brushed his knee, but far enough away to get an angle on the driver's door for a shot?

If she had enough lead on him to attain the driver seat, key up and start the car, before he caught up with her, there is no way his scenario works.

Perhaps he should be charged with attempted murder and HH suggests and falsifying a police report.

E. David Quammen said...

Most definitely "Only Ones" material....