Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Run and Hide Defense Strategy

Police believe Coon targeted the two teachers he shot Wednesday. He also shot two students while others hid in closets and bathrooms or ran out of SuccessTech Academy alternative school...
And we wouldn't have it any other way. Right, Wayne?

Chalk another one up for those rare and exceptional "law enforcement officers [and] trained security personnel."

[Via Maureen]

1 comment:

me said...

The "big one" here this morning had a story about it...talking about ways to screen out "anti-social behavior" which if you read any of the news from England means just about anything that the masters think might upset their power. I've seen the phrase used mostly in conjunction with children and their behavior, not anti-social behavior, but childish behavior, the kind of thing that children will ALWAYS do.

damn, I knew I should have just put a movie in and stayed away from the news.