Friday, August 17, 2007

"Authorized Journalists" Give Thanks for Parasites

Gun dealers over a barrel thanks to strict laws


Gee, Michael Doyle and the Bee editors, I wonder which side of the debate you're on?

And why not just assume for your readers that declines in reported gun ownership and "gun-related crimes" are directly attributable to a decline in dealers? I'd love to see the data and methodology you used to derive that conclusion. After all, it's not like demographics, birth rates, economic conditions, and declining public trust of the media, along with dozens of other factors, would have any impact...

One thing is clear, though: BATFU, under a Republican administration that eked out the narrow margin of votes needed to win two terms due to the support of gun owners and their leaders, has been relentlessly gaining ground with very little scrutiny. This is why the ongoing story of Red's Trading Post is so vitally important--to cast a light on them they so obviously hate. It's why I keep harping on it here, and I must admit, I'm disappointed that so few others--with much more influence than I have --even give it a mention.

Note the bit about increasing inspection frequencies. BATFU learned from Waco and Ruby Ridge that spectacular media stunts can backfire--and that slow but steady wins the race, meaning budgets and authorities and personal career ambitions are rewarded--that is, the parasites have learned how to gorge on their host as much as possible without killing it. And the ignorant and/or intentionally subversive "authorized journalists" wouldn't have it any other way--except to get out there occasionally and cheer the destruction of liberty from the sidelines.

[Via Ted Nugent's "Hunting News"]

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