Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"The King" Goes Berserk

I mean really. Tell me you don't see it.


Anonymous said...

Clearly from his booking photo he's acting insane.
Two things the media leaves out in many cases, race and if these people who commit violent crimes are on mind controlling drugs.
My hunch and it's only a hunch, is this guy went mad due to drugs his doctor was having him take. Conduct like this just doesn't happen for no reason out of the blue.

Anonymous said...

I'm lmao, David! If only someone would photoshop a crown on that idiot, perhaps that would win the insanity plea. I can just see him sitting in court next to his lawyer in full Burger King regalia! ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNQBQyNzNsM )

Perhaps if he looked like Big Mac, the Chief of police of McDonaldland ( http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/2/2c/Mcdchar.jpg ) he could've used the "only ones" excuse.