Monday, May 11, 2009

We're the Only Ones Ribbing You Enough

With our knee. [More]

All within the acceptable range of "Only One" responses...?

I wonder if they rotate ads on this? I got the one from Brinks Security. I was not exactly impressed by its message.

[Via Andre]


Anonymous said...

This sneaking,lowlife thug is now the rule,not the exception. Just submit, and there will be no trouble. AT YOUR PERIL. Stasi. III

straightarrow said...

I love how the IA guy says he'll need to see what happened. His lying eyes evidently can't be trusted.

These sonsofbitches had better get all they want pretty quickly, because the game is going to get a lot rougher. They have been accustomed to lying their way out of trouble, now with everybody and his brother having a video camera, camera phone, etc. and the internet available to distribute that which they have recorded lying no longer works. Basically, they have resorted to "Fuck you, we're the police." That will not be a viable option much longer. More and more people are going to fight back.

Considering the stacked deck and the enhanced penalties for scaring the thuggish bastards the question arises "How much force should be used in resistance?".

With all the tactical and logistical advantages they have at point of contact, the questions then becomes "Why not go all the way? Why not make sure this particular sonofabitch never does it again?"

Thugs, dictators, and tyrants all forget that fear is exhausting and people eventually get tired of being afraid and just stop. Then they get angry. Angry abused people have been the cauldron in which death, destruction, and war have traditionally reached the boiling point and spilled out on the purveyors of fear and tyranny.
That is a historical constant.

That was the genesis of our own country, but the causes were by no means unique to us as an abused people. What made our boiling over and burning the tyrant unique is that the old system was replaced with a democratic elected representative republic with guaranteed fetters on the state. Whereas all the rest such actions by an abused people, both before and since, have merely resulted in changes the faces in the seats of power without changing the residence of that power.

For nearly half a century now, we have been witness to attempts by power mongers in politics to become the residence of all power. The police who used to be comprised of honest and honorable men who took their oaths seriously have been supplanted with a new breed who are just hired muscle for whichever government criminal gang will let them exercise their asocial proclivities without consequences. In return for their immunity from responsibility they do the bidding of their masters no matter the illegality, immorality, or inhumanity of whatever it be.

This can no longer be hidden and the current "Fuck you, we're the police" isn't going to be tolerated much longer. Every day more and more ordinary men and women find an unaccustomed but wholly deserved contempt for law enforcement. Their is a tipping point on that cauldron spoken of earlier and we are nearing it, as an abused people are wont to do.

straightarrow said...

changing instead of "changes". There instead of "their".

You'll see where the corrections go.

Damned soc writing.

Defender said...

How about witness with phonecam walking to the microphone, pointing and saying "Look there. That cop just stomped that kid when he was down!"
Then the audience all walking over, making a BIG semicircle around cop and arrestee?
Oscar Grant could have used some of that, New Year's Eve.
Also, the IA officer doesn't inspire ME with confidence. He barely sounds literate.

Anonymous said...

Once the officer is identified, then the logical response to someone about to be arrested is to resist vigorously, because no jury would convict the arrestee who expected to be beaten once handcuffed and on the ground.
If the department stands by their officer, then the entire department will deserve the same treatment.
Respect goes both ways.
Payback is a bitch.
"To Protect and Serve"? Yeah, right.

straightarrow said...

If the department stands by their guy, then they have declared war on the citizen and deserve a damn good correction.

If they get that correction it could prove fatal for a lot of cops who didn't do it, but supported it. And in all seriousness it would be deserved.

Think 1942 France. Uh huh, no Final Solution camps in France, therefore no German collectors of "undesirables" sent to the camps in Poland, Germany, etc. directly opened the valves of Zyklon B into the fake showers, but they certainly help to enable it. Therefore they deserved the same hanging that those given the death sentence at Nuremberg received. I see no difference if these officers and this department support their guy.

If they do not and they arrest and charge him with criminal assault then they will have declared themselves righteous and deserving of public support.

If they merely fire the man, or give him a "vacation", then they deserve all the resistance in any manner that is likely to come their way. And they will have relinquished any claim to empathy, sympathy, or even charity of humanity that most can rely upon in this society.

An enemy is an enemy, if he wears a uniform connoting duty to law and the constitution but fails that duty willfully, he is also a traitor and deserves no consideration except that necessary to remove him from the arena.