Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Fundamental Right

Universal Gun Care for every American. [More]
While there is Constitutional authority to arm the militia, we do have to be careful about disparaging "right[s] NOT found the Constitution..." (just see Amendment IX).

Of course we have a right to health care. Government has no authority to prevent us from getting it. We just don't have a right to demand anyone else pay for it.

And uh-uh on the "mandate."

But aside from that...

[Via Ben Jackson]


Anonymous said...

Read the first paragraph of my March 9, 2010 blog post at http://americanrestoration-theaton.blogspot.com/

Maybe there were posts before mine about the same thing but I hadn't seen any.

Very curious.


David Codrea said...

I know of at least one post...

Anonymous said...

I was wrong. Thanks for the link.
