Monday, December 03, 2012

Whitlock turns up personal attack on gun owners, calls NRA ‘new KKK’

Imagine had a high-profile white media face of News Corporation attacked a black organization devoted to the Constitutionally-enshrined Bill of Rights with lies, and then publicly and militantly libeled them as black supremacists in front of a national audience. Imagine if that had the effect of outraging millions of good Americans unfairly smeared as racists -- and audience members, advertisers and investors, at that. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report fires back at a lying headcase -- and gives you a way to ask his boss if he employs white bigots without repercussions, too.


Mack said...

David, I still don't know if you have ever read "Negroes with Guns" by Robert Franklin Williams.

This book refutes everything Whitlock asserts.

Crotalus said...

Frankly, I think Whitlock is the racist in this madness.