Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"A Testosterone Laden Fantasy"...

Well, at least he's relieved us of any obligation to respond politely, which I'd have a tough time typing anyway, what with all this blood on my hands... [Read]

[Via Herschel Smith]


Pat H. said...

Hmmm, Himes' parents worked for the Ford Foundation in South America.

He's Harvard, MA from Oxford, then Goldman Sachs and some NGOs.

Smells of Rothchild/Rockefeller cabal to me.

Crotalus said...

Guess he's suffering from an overload of estrogen.

Chas said...

Apparently, the Democratic Party now supports testosterone-free zones. It seems that testicle possession is now a crime, or at least politically incorrect. Does the Second Amendment cover the right to keep and bear gonads?

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

They need to make up their minds. All this time I thought we were compensating for our crippling sexual inadequacies. Now we have too much testosterone?

It gets difficult to keep up.