Friday, January 08, 2016

In the Name of Islam

Damn white Christian males... [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Muslim man who said Islam motivated him to shoot a police officer does not represent the teachings of Islam, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney stated in a press conference...
And his theological qualifications to make such a definitive assurance are...?


J.B. Karns said...

Apreciate the reminder, the sentiments and the easy link to get to done. Donation made.

I have been a regular reader of both Mike and of you. Both your efforts indeed bear fruit and fertilize the ground for Liberty. I wish peace and well-earned rest for Mike and for you to continue to inspire and carry on the battle, as you factually do.

Steve said...

Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

He chose option 2.

I think that on 9/11/2001, the "peaceful" Islam practiced in the U.S., as idealized by certain people, became the gold-standard for what Islam is. Which means that Saudi Arabia, its homeland, and every other country controlled by Islam, is heretical. These "certain people" make no attempt to help these countries fix their errors, however.

And wasn't it Germany where women were groped by refugees, and then told it's their fault? Yeah, they don't represent Islam, except when they do, but it's your fault.