Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Obama Gun Grab Speech Reveals Key Weakness

I’m not asking people to have that same level of courage or sacrifice or love. [More]
Well then you're going to be in for a big surprise when you come across people who have it.

Plus, watch Obama dance in a teen's blood while misspelling his name-- three times.


Chas said...

Obama learned everything he knows about guns in Chicago bath houses. The POTUS is a doofus.

Anonymous said...

Guess he surrounds himself with pho-faced loosers in a vain attempt to make himself look a little better?

Ma Duce

DamDoc said...

Man, you could see this schist coming! Bought 300 shares of RGR last week and sold today and bagged About $1700 in my sepira... Also picked up my GP100 Match Champion today at my lgs at my LGS for $730, via Davidsons... Not only is "the one" the best gun salesman ever, I got him to pay for my gun, plus lots of ammo and a donation to NRA!... what a stupid, ntransigent pig head this guy is.