Thursday, June 22, 2017

They Asked for It


I see hatred directed toward whites, males, Christians, conservatives and heterosexuals all the time that qualifies as treating such individuals "negatively."

If that hotline were used for the stated reasons, it would be effectively shut down. Curious that there's no warning about hoax hate crime reports being punishable, so I guess they're saying anything goes.

And what a true example of public works. You'd think they could size and center their poster headline so it would fit on the page instead of bleeding off the edge.


Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure a good majority of us minority 'white male privilege' folks have been under siege with hate crimes on personal and group level for about 10-15 years now. And I think that might be a generously conservative estimate. I'm pretty sure the Weavers or Davidians or maybe even the big bad villain Tim McVeigh might be able to prove an even longer trend of hate crimes... But what do I know? I'm just an over privileged white slave owning wife beating sexually outdated knuckle dragging dinosaur... Maybe I should add moon shining imbred and toothless into the mix just to be sure I catch all the SPLC hidden undertones... Eff em all if they can't take a joke!

MackH said...


That can't be right, at least constitutionally.

Discrimination, to be actionable, has to lack a "rational basis" otherwise, any distinction could become actionable if the "justice" department says so.